Booking Form

Learn more About the Space, and review the Terms and Conditions before proceeding with your booking request.

If you have questions, Get in Touch

Please enter your first name.

Please enter your last name.

Provide the name of the company or organization you represent, if applicable.

Enter an email address for booking confirmation and communication purposes.

Provide a valid phone number where we can reach you for booking-related queries.


Select the country of your residence.

Enter the street address of your residence.

Provide the apartment or suite number for your residence, if applicable.

Enter the city of your residence.

Select the appropriate province or state for your residence.

Provide the postal code or zip code for your residence.

Indicate the date and time when your event is expected to start.

Indicate the date and time when your event is expected to end.

Indicate an alternative start date and time in case your preferred slot is unavailable.

Indicate an alternative end date and time in case your preferred slot is unavailable.

Estimate the amount of time needed for setting up the event space.

Estimate the time required to clean up and clear the event space after use.

Indicate the approximate number of guests expected to attend your event.

Provide a brief description of your event, including its purpose and format.

By checking this box, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to our Terms and Conditions. Please ensure that you review them carefully before proceeding with your booking or event submission.